Publicación en congreso: A cognitive architecture framework for critical situation awareness systems
Publicado en Lecture Notes in Computer Science
human-machine situation-awareness systems focus on the challenges
related to perception of the elements of an environment and their state,
within a time-space window, the comprehension of their meaning and the
estimation of their state in the future. Present computer-supported
situation awareness systems provide real-time information fusion from
different sources, basic data analysis and recognition, and presentation
of the corresponding data using some augmented reality principles.
However, a still open research challenge is to develop advanced
supervisory systems, platforms and frameworks that support higher-level
cognitive activities, integrate domain specific associated knowledge,
learning capabilities and decision support. To address these challenges,
a novel cognitive architecture framework is presented in this paper,
which emphasizes the role of the Associated Reality as a new cognitive
layer to improve the perception, understanding and prediction of the
corresponding cognitive agent. As a proof of concept, a particular
application for railways safety is shown, which uses data fusion and a
semantic video infrastructure.